Composite News

Determination of shear properties: comparison of different test methods for a special price!

As the end of the year slowly approaches, you may also have some funds left over in your project budgets that you would like to invest wisely. We would therefore like to draw your attention to this year’s special offer for the comparison of the common methods for the determination of shear parameters. The test programme includes the testing of your materials according to the following standards:

Shear test with specification of shear stiffness, shear strength and max. shear strain

  • 5 tests according to DIN EN ISO 14129 (“shear tensile test”)
  • 5 tests according to ASTM D 7078 (“Rail-Shear-Test”)
  • 5 tests according to ASTM D 5379 (“Iosipescu test”)
  • 5 tests according to DIN SPEC 4885 (“Push frame test”)

In addition, you will receive information on curing and thus on the available curing reserve free of charge when placing an order:

Determination of the current and the maximum glass temperature by means of DSC

  • 3 tests according to DIN EN ISO 11357

The offer includes the production of test specimens from material provided, the application of strain gauges, the measurement of the test specimens, the performance of the material tests and the preparation of meaningful test reports. The tests are carried out at room temperature; tests at elevated temperatures are also possible for an additional charge.

You do not find the right material tests for you? You would like to condition the test specimens in advance? You would like to carry out a personalised test programme or use other test standards? No problem: Contact us and we will realise your wish!

Summary of the offer

  • We determine the shear characteristics on your material for you according to various standardised procedures.
  • The service includes testing according to DIN EN ISO 14129 (“shear tensile test”), ASTM D 7078 (“rail shear test”), ASTM D 5379 (“Iosipescu test”) and DIN SPEC 4885 (“shear frame test”).
  • You supply the material as a laminate or sheet, and we carry out the material tests in our test laboratory for you in their entirety, from the preparation of the test specimens to the dispatch of the tested specimens.
  • The informative test reports contain all relevant data and photos including shear strength, shear stiffness and max. shear strain including the corresponding stress-strain curves. On request, the raw data can be supplied free of charge.
  • The delivery time is approx. 8 weeks.
  • The offer is valid until 01.12.2017 (latest order date, offer will not be extended).
  • The saving is 25 %.